Crocodile Deterrence Gates Installed on Entrance to Sunswept Lake​

Crocodile Deterrence Gates installed on Sunswept Lake

Great News for residents living on Sunswept Lake!

After approximately two years of advocating on behalf of the residents living on Sunswept Lake in the Sunswept Isles sub-division to find a way to mitigate their issues with crocodiles in their back yards, the HOA is proud to announce tangible results of its efforts. We are happy to be able finally report that in response to the HOA’s requests, with the cooperation of the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works, the Department of Environmental Resource Management, the Department Regulatory and Economic Resources, and Commissioner Heyman’s Office, a set of what are called “manatee exclusion gates“ were installed in late August on the culvert pipes under 209th Terrace leading from the park canal to the Oleta River From the Sunswept Lake on both sides of the culvert.

These heavy metal gates are designed to keep large animals from getting into the culverts and into the body of water on the other side. Only time will tell, but hopefully residents will find that these gates act to keep the crocs out of the lake and off of their docks and lawns. No system is foolproof, and while it’s become a lot more difficult for them to gain entry, the potential still exists, if a croc is persistent to the point of climbing up the steep embankment and walking over the road, for it to find its way into the lake. People are still encouraged to be situationally aware and exercise caution with pets and small children near the water’s edge especially at dusk or dawn and after dark.

Anyone sighting a Crocodile in Sunswept Lake is asked to report it to FWC or please contact the HOA and we can help get the the appropriate division of FWC to come remove the animal from the lake, but confidence is high that this installation will help to keep the crocs out.

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